Agricultural monitoring

Create a comprehensive, ongoing, future proofing record of your agricultural performance including carbon (CO2 and methane) and biodiversity.

Australia is moving towards a number of carbon related regulation and incentive schemes that include both CO2 and methane specific actions.

Satellite monitoring allows you to be prepared for future incentives, monitoring requirements and regulation.


Since the mid 90’s a range of international agricultural monitoring programs have been run with great success. Project Console in Austria being one of the oft cited studies demonstrating significant benefits to both farmers and the environment.

As farmers, you know well that Agricultural trends are not measures in days or weeks, but in months and years. The demonstration of ongoing performance starts today.

ESpy's service

ESpy provides a weekly satellite monitoring service, documenting the state of carbon (CO2 and methane) as well as biodiversity on your sites.

We build a baseline for all future monitoring and regulatory requirements for methane, carbon and biodiversity.

Secure storage of data including original satellite images, weather and environmental details ensure that if reporting or legislation requirements change, the task of conforming is streamlined.


ESpy Earth is a branch of ESpy Ocean Pty Ltd, a South Australian company that brings together a diverse team in oceanography, ecology, Defence science, resource management, software development and research.

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